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Wicca vs Law of attraction, what's the difference between LOA and witchcraft

Explore how witchcraft and Wicca correspond to affirmations and the law of attraction, as well as scientific evidence that supports the idea of our world being vibrational.

Witchcraft and Wicca are spiritual practices that have gained popularity in recent years. While some people may view these practices as simply superstitions, others see them as powerful tools for manifesting their desires and improving their lives.

One concept that is often associated with these practices is the law of attraction, which suggests that we can attract positive experiences into our lives by focusing our thoughts and intentions on them. In this post, we will explore how witchcraft and Wicca correspond to affirmations and the law of attraction, as well as scientific evidence that supports the idea of our world being vibrational.

The law of attraction is a concept that has been popularized by books such as "The Secret" and "Think and Grow Rich." The basic idea is that we can attract what we want into our lives by focusing on positive thoughts and feelings. According to this philosophy, our thoughts and emotions are like magnets that attract similar vibrations from the universe. Therefore, if we want to manifest positive experiences, we need to focus our thoughts and emotions on positive things.

Witchcraft and Wicca also involve the use of positive affirmations to manifest desired outcomes.

These affirmations are essentially statements that are repeated with the intention of bringing about a particular result. For example, a person practicing witchcraft might repeat a mantra like "I am abundant and prosperous" to attract wealth and success. Similarly, someone practicing Wicca might recite a spell or incantation to manifest their desires.

There is a scientific basis for the idea that our world is vibrational. Quantum physics has shown that everything in the universe, including our thoughts and emotions, is made up of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. This means that our thoughts and emotions are not just abstract concepts, but actual physical energy that can influence the world around us.

Moreover, scientific research has shown that our thoughts and emotions can have a measurable effect on the physical world. In one famous experiment, Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto found that water molecules could be influenced by positive or negative thoughts and emotions. When water was exposed to positive affirmations like "love" and "gratitude," its molecular structure became more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing. On the other hand, when water was exposed to negative affirmations like "hate" and "anger," its molecular structure became distorted and unappealing.

What do you practice?

  • Law of Attraction

  • Wicca - Witchcraft

  • BOTH

There is a growing body of evidence to support the idea that our world is vibrational and that our thoughts and emotions can influence the physical world around us. Witchcraft and Wicca are spiritual practices that tap into this vibrational energy to manifest positive outcomes. By using affirmations and the law of attraction, practitioners of these spiritual paths seek to align themselves with the energy of the universe and attract abundance, love, and success into their lives.

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